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April 2022 – Rüdiger Glaser gives a lecture at the climate camp

At the Fridays for Future climate camp on the square of the Old Synagogue in Freiburg from 4-6 April 2022, Rüdiger Glaser gave a lecture on climate change in the region and its effects on businesses, and then discussed it with the participants. The lecture was based on the research work in the trinational research project Clim Ábility, to which the project leader Nicolas Scholze and many students contributed with their final papers and seminar papers.

April 2022 - Tim Freytag is the new chairman of the Frankreich-Zentrum

At the Frankreich-Zentrum of the University of Freiburg, Tim Freytag has started his two-year term as chairman of the board on April 01, 2022. Together with his board colleagues Katharina von Koppenfels-Spies and Daniela Marzo, he wants to strengthen the interdisciplinary research and the Franco-German cooperation within the framework of the three master programs at the Frankreich-Zentrum.

January 2022 – Climate change and adaptation measures in the economic region Mittelbaden

Rüdiger Glaser and Nico Scholze are invited to speak at the Energy Table of the Central Baden Economic Region in Rastatt on 31.01.2022 in front of 60 representatives of companies and municipalities about regional climate change, climate impacts and adaptation measures.

January 2022 – Expert advice in the investigative committee

Prof. Dr. Rüdiger Glaser was questioned as a subject matter expert for geography and expert witness before the committee of enquiry in the Rhineland-Palatinate state parliament on 14.01.2022 on the flood disaster in the Ahr valley. For more information: SWR aktuell, t-online and Die Zeit

December 2021 - Living with tourism in the Black Forest

A group of 17 students of the MSc Geography of Global Change studied tourism in the Black Forest during the summer term 2021. With a focus on Feldberg, Hinterzarten, Schluchsee and Todtnauberg, the students carved out different facets of life with tourism. The results of the study project are now documented in short texts and illustrative videos.

November 2021 – Hannelene Schilar receives DGT-ITB Science Award 2021

The German Society for Tourism Research (DGT) has awarded Hannelene Schilar this year's Science Award for the best dissertation. Supervised by Professor Tim Freytag, the candidate completed her dissertation entitled "'Arctic' Tourism Representations and the Voices Within" in November 2020 at the Faculty of Environment and Natural Resources of the University of Freiburg. The award ceremony took place on November 19, 2021, during the DGT annual conference at Europa-Park in Rust, Germany.

November 2021 – LoKlim nominated for the 2022 German Sustainability Award

Fotocredit: Deutscher Nachhaltigkeitspreis
The LoKlim project was nominated for the 2022 German Sustainability Award in the research category and made it into the final round of the best three projects. To bring the award to our university, we need your support: The online voting for the projects runs until November 15. As part of the nomination, a short TV report about the LoKlim project was also produced, which will be broadcasted as part of the science program "nano" this Thursday, November 4 at 6:30 p.m. on 3sat and is already available on demand. (Fotocredit: Deutscher Nachhaltigkeitspreis)

Oktober 2021 – Benedikt Schmid receives national geography dissertation award

Benedikt Schmid received the VGDH Dissertation Award in Human Geography for his dissertation entitled "Making Transformative Geographies: Lessons from Stuttgart's Community Economy". The thesis examines the role of socio-ecological organisations in overcoming orientations focusing on economic growth from a spatial perspective. The thesis was supervised by Prof Christian Schulz and carried out at the Department of Geography and Spatial Planning at the University of Luxembourg. Prof Tim Freytag and Dr Gerald Taylor Aiken (Luxembourg Institute of Socio-Economic Research) were also involved in the supervision. Benedikt Schmid has been a postdoctoral academic staff member at the Chair of Geography of Global Change, University of Freiburg, since 2019.

September 2021 – Graphic Novel „Klima Wandel Wald“ has been published (in German)

The M.Sc. students Ellen Schäffel and Josephine Binder have analyzed climate change impacts and adaptation strategies in the forestry and timber industry as part of the project study "Climate Vulnerability and Adaptive Capacity of Companies in the Tri-National Metropolitan Region Upper Rhine". Supported by Nicolas Scholze and Rüdiger Glaser, the results have now been published for the first time in the form of a graphic novel. The goal of this innovative communication format is to sensitize young people with comic-like drawings and informative texts for this highly relevant and multi-layered topic. The graphic novel is available on FreiDok plus as a pdf, the printed version can be obtained from the secretariat (Susana Ginés).

September 2021 - M. Kahle, F. Borel, K. E. Lin and R. Glaser present their research results in Kyoto

Michael Kahle, Franck Borel, Kuanhui Elaine Lin and Rüdiger Glaser present their latest research findings on Big Data and Artificial Intelligence in climate research in the panel "Digital Dimensions in Environmental History - new Perspectives" at the "Sixth Biennial Conference of East Asian Environmental History (EAEH 2021)", which will take place online from 7-10.9.2021 at Kyoto University in Japan under the guiding theme "Human and Nature in East Asia: Exploring New Directions in Environmental History". Rüdiger Glaser was also invited to a closing round table on "Environmental Challenges across Continents" to present a paper on "From the great acceleration to the global risk map: Challenges and perspectives for environmental history?"

June 2021 – LoKlim: Publication of the local climate and knowledge portal

Interactive maps on the impacts of climate change on municipalities and regions in Baden-Württemberg have been published on the website of the LoKlim project. The maps can be accessed via the local climate portal. The climate portal is combined with a knowledge portal on the effects and measures of climate change in the individual fields of action, which is aimed in particular at small and medium-sized municipalities in Baden-Württemberg.

June 2021 - Disputation by Mathilde Erfurt

Mathilde Erfurt successfully completed her doctorate on June 08th, 2021 with the disputation on "A long-term perspective on drought components in Germany". We warmly congratulate you!

April 2021 – Poster of Laura Quast on UN Homepage

From the poster gallery developed in Physical Geography by Michael Kahle and Rüdiger Glaser, the poster by Laura Quast on "South Africa is Making Up for Lost Land" has appeared as a lead on the homepage of the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification.

April 2021 – Registration opened for International Workshop on Environmental Justice: “Bridging research, policy and activism for environmental justice in times of crises”

We would like to inform you that the conference website for the EnJust International Workshop 2020/21, held online from 19 to 21 May 2021, is now available and can be accessed here. You are warmly invited to participate in the event free of charge; however, please note that places are limited and will be filled on a first-come-first-served basis. On the website, you can find all relevant information on the upcoming EnJust 2021 international workshop and, most importantly, all you need to know to register for the workshop. We look forward to your participation in the event!

April 2021 – Carola Fricke presents at the workshop “Dislocating Urban Studies: Rethinking Theory, Shifting Practice”

Carola Fricke presents her paper on Geographies of Mobile Housing Policies at the “Challenging Methodologies and Methods” Workshop (April 15-16, 2021). The virtual workshop will take place as part of the series “Dislocating Urban Studies: Rethinking Theory, Shifting Practice” organized by urban researchers from Malmö University and University of Helsinki. Instructions on how to register for the workshops and insights into results of the discussion can be found here