April 2021 – Carola Fricke presents at the workshop “Dislocating Urban Studies: Rethinking Theory, Shifting Practice”
Carola Fricke presents her paper on Geographies of Mobile Housing Policies at the “Challenging Methodologies and Methods” Workshop (April 15-16, 2021). The virtual workshop will take place as part of the series “Dislocating Urban Studies: Rethinking Theory, Shifting Practice” organized by urban researchers from Malmö University and University of Helsinki. Instructions on how to register for the workshops and insights into results of the discussion can be found here
March 2021 - Publication published as part of the Clim'Ability project
As part of the international Clim'Ability project, the publication "Jardin Glocal. Medienökologische Suchbewegung" in co-authorship with Rüdiger Glaser. New forms of communication and different philosophical perspectives are fomulated. The project is also integrated in the Critical Zones exhibition at the ZKM in Karlsruhe 05/2020 - 08/2021 and in the "Abschied vom Aussen II" event of the Kunstverein Freiburg t.b.a. 2021. „More ...“
February 2021 - Ashton Schottler receives Emerging Scholar Award 2021
Ashton Schottler presented her ongoing dissertation research at the virtual international conference "The Constructed Environment" at the University of California Berkeley in May 2020. Now she has been awarded the Emerging Scholar Award 2021. The award comes with an invitation to attend the „Constructed Environment Research Network“ conferences in 2021 and 2022.
February 2021 - Scientific podcasts from students
In the winter term 2020/21 the Human Geography chair group was represented at the University College Freiburg. An interdisciplinary seminar on current travel practices was held by Nora Winsky. Four interesting podcasts episodes on “Travel in the digital age” were created. These can be found online here .
January 2021 - Regional climate change adaptation network launched
The launch of the new network for climate change adaptation on the topic of "Climate protection and climate change adaptation - challenges and opportunities" met with a very good response in the region. The initiative for the network lay with Prof. Hartmut Fünfgeld supported by a planning team of regional experts.
January 2021 - Disputation by Annette Bösmeier
Annette Bösmeier successfully completed her doctorate on January 22nd, 2021 with the disputation on "Exploring and analyzing data for reconstruction, modeling, and hazard assessment of historical floods in the Kinzig catchment, Upper Rhine area". We warmly congratulate you!
January 2021 - M. Kempf and R. Glaser are guests at an international conference in Bern
Michael Kempf and Rüdiger Glaser give a lecture on „Conceptualization of Environmental Stressors – The Dynamics of Vulnerability, Resilience, and Adaptation Measures in the Focus of Landscape Affordances in Central Europe on Multivariate Scales“ at the international TRAVAS conference about Theorizing Resilience & Vulnertability in Ancient Studies in Bern.
November 2020 - Climate change in Saarland ... and its consequences
Prof. Dr. Rüdiger Glaser in conversation with Armgard Müller-Adams on Saarland television at INTENSIV, editor in chief the Freiburg geography graduate Felix Schneider.
To see under:
November 2020 - New publication "A multidisciplinary drought catalogue for southwestern Germany"
Droughts are multifaceted hazards with widespread negative consequences for the environment and society. Within the interdisciplinary research network Drier different perspectives on drought were explored using a multidisciplinary dataset of past drought events in southwestern Germany.
The open access publication is available on:
August 2020 - New book publication "Across the Sahara"
A multi-year joint research project between the Chair group of Physical Geography at the Freiburg University and the Center for National Archives and Historical Studies in Tripoli / Libya investigated the trans-Saharan caravan trade in the 19th century. The findings from this work are included in the publication "Across the Sahara - Tracks, Trade and Cross-Cultural Exchange in Libya ".
The book, edited by Dr Klaus Braun and Dr Jacqueline Passon, has been published by SPRINGER NATURE and is freely available as an open access publication at
The book, edited by Dr Klaus Braun and Dr Jacqueline Passon, has been published by SPRINGER NATURE and is freely available as an open access publication at
February 2020 – Registration for EnJust 2020 workshop now open
On 27 - 29 May 2020, the chair group Geography of Global Change and the
network for environmental justice EnJust
are jointly organizing the second international EnJust workshop entitled “Bridging research, policy and activism for environmental justice in times of crises“ in Freiburg. You can find further information on the workshop here.
As of now it is possible to register for the workshop by following this Link .
Oktober 2019 – Field report of Robert John in the online magazine of the University of Freiburg
The online magazine "research & discover" of the University of Freiburg interviewed Robert John about his research in Cambodia and published a field report.
In the next issue of uni'wissen another article will be published together with Prof. Dr. med. Annika Mattissek on the DFG project "Marketization of sand in Cambodia: global networks, conflicts and materialities". More ....
October 2019 - Call for contributions: International workshop "Bridging research, policy and activism for environmental justice in times of crises"
On 27 - 29 May 2020, the chair group Geography of Global Change and the network for environmental justice EnJust are jointly organizing the second international EnJust workshop in Freiburg. The aim of the workshop is to discuss transdisciplinary issues of environmental justice research and practice with actors from research, policy and civil society. The call for contributions can be found here. Contributions (articles, posters or artistic interventions) should be submitted as abstracts by 31 October 2019 to We look forward to hearing from you!