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Diyang Zhang

PhD student
E-Mail: diyang.zhang[at]
Phone: ++49(0)761 203-3553
Room: 312


PhD Project

Divergence responses to the drought impacts in the perspective of social-ecological resilience: A comparative study between Southwest Germany and the North China Plain

Thematic and methodological focus

  • Climate change, climate extremes, resilience and adaptation
  • Drought impacts and social responses
  • Historical land use and land cover change

Regional focus

  • Southwest Germany
  • The North China Plain


  • since 2021
   PhD student at the Chair of Physical Geography, University of Freiburg
  • since 2021
   Scholarship holder: Scholarship from Chinese Scholarship Council (CSC)
  • 2018 - 2020
   Study of "Physical Geography" (M.Sc.), Beijing Normal University, China
  • 2014 - 2018
   Study of "Physical Geography and Resources Environment" (B.Sc.), Beijing Normal University, China