Heritage Interpretation

Natural and cultural interpretation (also called heritage interpretation) is a non-formal educational approach towards protected areas, monuments, museums and historically important places. It is used for guided tours, theme and adventure trails, as well as in exhibitions, visitor centers and museums - anywhere where places, objects and phenomena can be directly experienced. Interpreters animate visitors to explore how the natural and cultural heritage, from different perspectives, is meaningful. Often these subjects give food for thought to questions of the present and the design of the future.
Freiburg geographers deal with questions of the theoretical foundation of interpretive approaches and their potential for lifelong learning, for example to overcome stereotypes and clichés. A guiding question is how multi-perspective interpretation can contribute to social cohesion in culturally diverse societies. In research and development projects, we develop and test quality criteria for practical application. Fields of application are education for sustainable development, quality improvements in the field of environmentally and socially sustainable tourism, and sensitizing people for nature conservation and heritage protection.