Urban Tourism

Urban tourism is undergoing significant transformations under the processes of globalization and innovative progress in transportation and communication. Geographers from the University of Freiburg are involved in examining various aspects of these transformations in different urban contexts.
In the field of urban tourism, academic discourse is largely focused on the practices of travelers during their stay. However, an emerging area of inquiry is also predicated on the touristic character of places and location. As part of various research projects and ongoing dissertations, these topics are explored within the contexts of Paris, Berlin, Freiburg, Heidelberg, and other significant European city destinations. A particularly intensive interdisciplinary exchange occurs in the research area “New Travel – New Media”, as well as in the subtopic regarding immersive “place-based experience” opportunities and moments of leisure in modern European city tourism. Such concepts are included in the special research area: “Leisure, Boundaries, Space-Time & Practices” (SFB 1015).