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Geography - Intersection between Human and Nature

Geography is a scientific discipline that combines ecological with sociological approaches and methods. With its integrative understanding, geography is particularly well placed for examining and understanding current trends such as global change, its process dynamics and the associated changes in the environment as well as in society. Geographic research is particularly concerned with investigating socio-spatial disparities and environmental destruction. At the heart of geographic research lies the motivation to better understand space-related stressors and conflicts taking place on different scales. Beyond analyzing complex problems, geographers also contribute to devising practical solutions.
At the University of Freiburg, the "Bachelor's Degree Programs" in geography encompass a broad-based foundation in geographic thought and analysis, including natural and social science perspectives. The "Master's Degree Program" emphasizes key research areas of geographers based at the University of Freiburg. It strives to provide students not only with relevant theoretical perspectives but also with broad methodological competencies and skills for applied research and practical work.
We invite you to find out more about studying geography at the University of Freiburg! Further information about our staff, their profiles and research priorities, as well as current projects, publications and events, can be accessed via the menu bar on the left.

June 2024 – Invitation to summer colloquium

You are invited to the summer colloquium organized by geography staff members from the University of Freiburg. The „opening lecture“ will be held by Professor Christian Steiner on Thursday, July 4 at 5:30 p.m. (Rundbau Lecture Hall, Albertstraße 21), followed by a reception. On Friday, July 8, starting at 9 a.m. (Aula, KG1), several „short lectures“ by Freiburg geographers from the various working groups will follow, providing insights into current research and dissertation projects as well as planned research activities. Students, staff members, project partners and all other interested parties are cordially invited to the summer colloquium!

June 2024 – Panel discussion "Klimax event for more climate protection and climate adaptation in the business park"

Prof. Dr Rüdiger Glaser takes part in the panel discussion "Hot or ice age - measures for the climate in business parks" on 14th June 2024 at the Breisgau business park. He presents the INTERREG project Clim'Ability Care in this context, which is investigating climate adaptation in SMEs. Afterwards, representatives from companies, administration and research discuss climate protection and climate change adaptation measures in industrial estates. Blue-green infrastructures, sustainable (employee) mobility, species and landscape protection and other innovative approaches are the focus of the Breisgau business park and form best-practice measures for other business and industrial parks.